
A British knitting blogger from North London

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Ronke's knitting bag
(or why my stash never seems to get smaller)

Welcome to my website
I learned to knit when I was about nine years old when we learned in junior school.

I had terrible trouble learning to knit because i was left handed and the teacher was right-handed. I could never keep the stitches even and I always ended up with ever-increasing rows. But I persevered and have rediscovered it in a big way recently - mainly because I recently quit smoking and I wanted something to do with my hands.

But now I knit for relaxation and because I love all the colours and textures of yarn. Although I love colour, I cannot draw to save my life, so knitting is my salvation.

I have become bored with garter and stocking stitch, so I am learning entrelac, lace and cables. When I am braver, I might experiment with fair isle.


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