
A British knitting blogger from North London

Monday, September 06, 2004

Progress is slow

Just churning through the front of the sweater, then I can get down to seaming it together.
Did some knitting while watching Threads which is a dramatisation of what would happen if Britain suffered a nuclear war. Even though it was filmed in 1984, it still scares me, so I'm listening to some cheery disco cheese (Hazell Dean, anyone?) to try to make sure I don't have nightmares of all hell breaking loose in the middle of the night. On second thoughts, that's probably Herman our Persian cat jumping on the bed and demanding to be fed in his own inimitable way, which is to put his face in yours and pretend to be sick. Works every time.

We were promised an Indian summer, and boy, did we get one. It was 27 degrees today, with more of the same promised for this week. After a dance class this morning, I spent the rest of my precious Sunday off on a sunlounger in my back garden with my husband snoring gently beside me - What else can one do?


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