
A British knitting blogger from North London

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Hellish Hallowig

As soon as I get home from work I am going to frog my Hallowig. It looks like a dog's breakfast. I have managed to mess up the decreases so much that I've ended up with a roving slip stitch. Rather than a sleek wig, it looks as it it's been dragged through a hedge backwards. Pictures will follow in due course.
It looks so awful that I've lost the will to redo the offending part. I just want it out of my house.

Anyway, I've switched my affections to the Kitty Hat ( which will be either turquoise or black.

I'm also working on my MIL's Christmas Scarf. For security reasons I'm not going to post a full picture (maybe a close-up) until 26th December. I've used a combination of white Rowan Linen Drape, Berroco Lazer FX in white and a couple of mystery fancy sequinned yarns.

The pattern is from Vogue Knitting On the Go: Scarves Two. It is supposed to use Berroco yarns, which you cannot buy in Britain. I don't like buying yarns online from the USA, as any cost savings tend to be wiped out by international shipping and import duties. But as it is a special Christmas present, I was just about to place an order on Patternworks when I remembered the Linen Drape that had been lying around unloved in my stash for nearly a year. Add that to some fancies that I picked up in Boston and the Knitting and Stitching Show, and you have a gorgeous evening scarf!


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